Pedestrian Signals

Pedestrians waiting to cross at an intersection must press the pedestrian walk button to activate the pedestrian phase. When the walk signal is displayed, you have the right-of-way and enough time to cross the intersection safely.

The City criteria for the installation of pedestrian signals are:

  1. Consideration for pedestrian signal installation when there is a minimum of 100 pedestrians for a 23.0 metre right-of-way roadway over a 5 hour period, and the corresponding 5 hour volume is greater than 1,000 vehicles.
  2. Consideration for pedestrian signal installation when there is a minimum of 200 pedestrians for roadways greater than a 23.0 metre right-of-way over a 5 hour period, and the corresponding 5 hour volume is greater than 3,000 vehicles.
  3. That the time periods to be studied are 7:00am to 9:00am, and 3:00pm to 6:00pm., for a total 5 hour period.
  4. Consideration for pedestrian signal installations should be reserved for roadways with a 23.0 metre wide right-of way or greater (Arterial, Major and Minor Collector, Feeder, and Industrial roadways).
  5. A pedestrian signal should not be considered where an opportunity for a safe crossing exists within 150 metres to either side of the proposed pedestrian signal location (e.g. at existing all-way stop controlled intersection or traffic signal controlled intersection).
  6. Breakdown of pedestrian use should be classified into age groups, with special attention given to elementary school age children, and senior citizens.
  7. Not to be installed in front of or between residential homes unless there is full support in writing by said owners.


Pedestrian safety tips:

  • Cross at traffic signals, crosswalks, and stop signs only.
  • Press the pedestrian button to activate the pedestrian timings.
  • Cross at the beginning of the walk indication.
  • Make eye contact with the driver before you step off the curb.
  • Maintain eye contact with motorists as you cross the street.
  • Always watch for turning vehicles